Dogs and Snacks (Part One)

Let's say you take your dog on a walk and, along the way, you decide to stop at an outdoor caf‚ for lunch. While enjoying a tuna sandwich, your faithful companion gives you one of those, "Hey, what about me?" looks. Should you tear off an eensy corner and share it?
Absolutely not, says Karen Halligan, a Los Angeles-based veterinarian and author of the recently published book Doc Halligan's What Every Pet Owner Should Know (HarperCollins). "I got into the habit of asking people whose pets had lived way beyond their life expectancy what they fed their dogs," she says. "One thing I noticed -- these owners didn't feed their dogs table scraps."

Dog Food, Human Food

According to Dr. Halligan, high-quality canned and dry dog food is nutritionally complete, and if you feed a dog table scraps you will upset the balance of nutrients in its diet. Plus, some human food can cause serious health problems for animals, and even death. "Three foods on my top 20 foods not to feed your pet are macadamia nuts, grapes and cheese," she says. Macadamia nuts contain a toxin that can seriously affect the nervous, skeletal and digestive track system. Grapes and raisins can cause vomiting and diarrhea, and could lead to kidney failure. Also, dogs can choke on them.

No Cheese, Please
But here's the big one to avoid: cheese, which along with milk can cause emergency, life-threatening pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). A dog's digestive tract can't always process the high fat in cheese. Pizza can be deadly for this reason. The cheese, salt and dough can cause a condition called bloat, which can kill a dog.

1 comment:

  1. Can you pls add some info about vitamins for dog? Thanx
